Game On: Keeping It Simple
By Christina Ingraham

As a mom, I sometimes find myself making things more difficult than they need to be. I have a thing or two to learn from my kids! Why do I even try to go to the grocery store when they are hungry and tired? Trips like this are doomed faster than I can say, “I swear I’ll never enter a store with you two again!” Surely there is a simple meal I could scrounge from the cupboard or freezer. And I don’t think I’m alone in regarding the war against clutter a losing battle. Though it is a great feeling to have the entire house tidy at the same time, sometimes I just need to throw everything in a laundry basket and wave the white flag.
Many battles can be averted by planning ahead and organizing (two skills I thought I was good at—before I had kids). Even more so, frustration can be deflated by merely enjoying the simple things. Time I spend creating sidewalk chalk “choo-choo tracks” with Jacob leaves me far more satisfied than time spent trying to keep him from soiling (another) shirt. Playing dance class with Kayla is definitely more enjoyable than burning 3,000 calories as I try to rush everyone to the gym in time for Cardio Kickboxing.
Life as a mother and wife can be complicated, but there are endless ways to simplify. Taking a small step to simplify–whether planning meals ahead or cutting out an extra activity—will reap great rewards. Try doing less and you may find you accomplish more!*
“Mentor's Favorite Things…”
“My favorite thing in this season of life as an empty nester is when one of my kids calls me for no reason other than just to connect…..TO CHAT WITH ME!!!!!! My husband Bill and I have two children, John(22 and Jane(21) Yes, they are just 12 months apart…so much for John being a miracle baby!! Both are in college and live out of town, so if they call me on my cell phone in the middle of the day, my first reactions is….WHAT IS WRONG?? WHAT DO YOU NEED?? It seems as though they only call when they have some crisis to solve with classes or roommates or car problems or NEEDING MONEY!!! The needing money conversation happens all the time. So, when they call just to say hi and to see what I am up to….Well, it is a mountain top experience! I live for the times when one of them will call and just want to talk…..About anything…..Just like a good friend. I stop everything I am doing and just melt right into the phone listening to the tone of their voice as they share what is going on in their life. Funny stories about friends. Challenging assignments for hard classes they are taking. Teachers or coaches they really like. Those conversations with college kids really only happen long distance via cell phones. So since I cannot see the smile or the frown on their beautiful face so I linger on each word that comes over the line. Those conversations make my day!!!” –Julie Erickson (1/3 Mentor)
“One of the things I have done with my kids to help them appreciate the blessings in their lives is to write them down. I have them write down 4 or 5 things they are thankful for and why. (You can write it down for them if they are too young to write). I then put them in a basket and we draw one blessing out during dinner and that becomes our "topic of discussion" for the dinner table that night. I have always done this the month of November before Thanksgiving but there is no reason you can't do this at anytime of year. It is a wonderful way to see into their little hearts and minds and help them develop an appreciation for the blessings in their life!” -Debi Thompkins (2/4 Mentor)
Time Out To Cook
Italian Sasuage Soup (from Beth Sanchez)
1 pkg (about 1 pound) Honeysuckle White Sweet Italian Sasuage. Cut into 1 inch pieces.
1 (15 oz) can canellini beans (or White Northern Beans) rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 cups beef broth
1 (15 oz) can diced stewed tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
*Heat oil in a large stock pot over medium heat. Cook the sasuage until it is no longer pink. Stir in remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce and simmer for 20 min. Serve and enjoy!
1 pkg (about 1 pound) Honeysuckle White Sweet Italian Sasuage. Cut into 1 inch pieces.
1 (15 oz) can canellini beans (or White Northern Beans) rinsed and drained
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 cups beef broth
1 (15 oz) can diced stewed tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
*Heat oil in a large stock pot over medium heat. Cook the sasuage until it is no longer pink. Stir in remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce and simmer for 20 min. Serve and enjoy!
Game Stats
Which form of communication do you prefer? (Most had multiple perfereces…)
*1st at 70% - Email *2nd at 27% - Text *Tied for 3rd at 18% - Phone & Facebook
What is your favorite food on Thanksgiving?
*1st Everything else – 57% *2nd Pie – 31% *3rd Turkey – 12%
The Christ Community Church MOPS Facebook page has 116 followers. Are you one? Join in and see updates and engage on Facebook with your MOPS friends between meetings. Click here for the facebook page.
Be A Team Player!
Have leftover Halloween candy that you don’t know what to do with? Compass Ministries uses bags of candy in their after school program year round and could use any you would have to share. Bring any individually wrapped pieces you have to share in snack sized baggies to your next MOPS meeting and there will be a few minutes to bag them during the meeting.
!!!Book Drive!!! We are also going to be collecting books for Compass Ministries for a Christmas project this year. If you have any gently used books around your home that you would like to share to help start a library for these kiddos, please hold on to them to share. This is for K-6th grade reading level and you can view the wish list to get some ideas or even purchase books. Search for Compass in Omaha, NE for the list. Books will be collected in December. More info to come!!
Go Play Around Town
November 15: You are invited to attend the Mom’s Health Expo! Omaha's 4 leading experts in weight loss, nutrition, fitness, optimum health and personal care reveal the secrets to becoming the healthiest you've ever been! Get $72 in FREE GIFTS instantly...just for registering now! Help us raise money for Abide Network so we can improve the lives of children, youth and families in under resourced areas of Omaha together. To attend this special event all we ask is that you make a small $10 donation to Abide Network at the door when you arrive. Click here to register.
November 24, 6pm (Gene Leahy Mall, 14th and Farnam Streets): - The Holiday Lights Festival will kick-off on Thanksgiving evening with the annual lighting ceremony at the Gene Leahy Mall. At 5:30 pm, pre-show entertainment will begin with The Sarpy Serenaders. The official lighting ceremony begins at 6 pm. Stop by the Shine the Light on Hunger booth to enjoy Swiss Miss cocoa and support Food Bank for the Heartland. Mayor Jim Suttle and a group of children from local Kids Café will lead the crowd in a countdown that will culminate with the illumination of a spectacular display of twinkling lights.
November 4(1/3) & 11(2/4): Debbie Cornwell (on marriage)
November 18(1/3): Nancy Davies (on discipline)
!!!!November 4, 6:30-9:30pm: Spa & Chocolate Night (Don’t miss this one so mark your calendar!)
Prayer hotline: Have a prayer need? Please send it to:
Thank you for serving your 2 days in MOPPETS! It is VITAL that you show up on your assigned days so we can continue to provide a quality program for our children. If you have a conflict, please switch with another MOPS mom and contact Heidi Harner(2/4) or Shantel Crellin(1/3) ASAP of the change. Please refer to your directory or your DGL for contact info. When you arrive at the church, check the posting by the nursery check-in table to find where you have been assigned to help. Thank you for your cooperation! This months assignments are listed below:
November 2 – 2/4 Steering
Michelle Shaughnessey
Cassie Cowles
Michelle Sealock
November 4 - 1/3 Meeting
Becca Sutton
Carolyn Smith
Debbie Sledge
Natalie Mcnair
Anne Greve
Jen Johnson
Kathleen Russell
Angie Timm
November 9 – 1/3 Steering
Chris Berkey
Sarah Steenhoek
Susan Harris
Stephanie Lane
November 11 – 2/4 Meeting
Tiffanie Thompson
Brianne Minturn
Jocie Minturn
Amanda Kirkpatrick
Chris Mayne
Kimberly Storm
Laura Haley
Sarah Steenhoek
Susan Harris
Stephanie Lane
November 11 – 2/4 Meeting
Tiffanie Thompson
Brianne Minturn
Jocie Minturn
Amanda Kirkpatrick
Chris Mayne
Kimberly Storm
Laura Haley
November 18 - 1/3 Meeting
Sharilyn Toney
Liz Fogle
Stephanie Heinauer
Courtney Hinze
Kristin Polking
Anne Bauer
Joy Gregory
Cherie Schnack