Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 2012

Where Are You Plugged In?
By Christine Burklund (Teaching Mentor)

I have a love/hate relationship with my IPhone.  I love that so much information is readily at my fingertips.  I love that my teenagers can send me a quick text updating me on their whereabouts.  I love that I can see pictures of my niece and nephew on their first day of school even though they live in Dallas.  But, I hate how much it interrupts my life!  When my oldest three kids were babies and toddlers, I didn’t own a cell phone.  In fact, I didn’t even own a cordless phone until my third child was born (Ha! Ha! Ha! That tells you how old I am!).  When we went to the zoo or the park or the Children’s Museum, I left the rest of my life at home (no phone, no ipad, no laptop).  I was easily able to completely focus on my kids.   Today, when I take my younger two kids out, my phone is with mebeeping and ringingconstantly pulling my focus away from them.  I hate that.  Some say that I am multi-tasking.  I disagree.  I would say that I am showing my kids, through my actions, that they are not the most important thing to me in that moment.  The email, phone call or text is more important.  Honestly, I think my two youngest girls get just as frustrated with my phone as I do sometimes.  So, I have made a decision and I am going to challenge you to do the same.  I have decided that when I am spending time with my kids that is focused time like reading books together, playing dolls, going to the zoo or the park, I am turning off my phone.  In fact, I am putting it somewhere that I can’t even see it.   And you know what?  My kids are noticing.  What delight I saw on my 10-year-old’s face the other day when I left my phone up in my bedroom to read with her in our family room.  “You forgot your phone, Mom,” she said when we sat down on the couch.  “I don’t need it,” I said.  “I’m here with you.  That’s all I need.”  The smile that spread across her face spoke a thousand words.  That’s what I was going for.  Her little love tank is being filled to brim and my mother’s heart is overflowing with joy.  In other wordsleaving the phone upstairspriceless.

Ladies, the time with our little ones goes by so quickly.  You will never regret turning that phone off and choosing give 100% of yourself to your kiddos when you are with them.  Because we all know, the rest of the world will be waiting for you when you turn your phone back on.  Your kids will not wait to grow up.