Friday, May 31, 2013

June: Introducing Lisa Brown

Our 1/3 Teaching Mentor

I can remember visiting my matron of honor after she had her first child.  Her son was wearing a soft navy and white velour onesie, had just taken a bath and smelled so fresh. I can recall holding her Gerber baby in my arms when I glanced at my husband of 6 months with a “I want one of these” look in my eyes. In my recollection Reid looked back with a confirming response.  He wanted one too! (Later I realized it was more of a “we will have fun trying” kind of look.) But, he was willing and it all seemed so romantic!

Now, 21 years later, I can honestly say in my opinion there is very little that is romantic or glamorous about being a mom.  I have often said, “God gave me children to keep me humble and dependant on Him”.  Over these past 21 years I have learned how little I actually know about raising children. It became clear that I needed other more experienced moms to teach me innovative ways to care for my family and their ongoing needs. I have learned that my three children are very different from each other and very different from me and their father. I have realized that I don’t always enjoy participating in the things that they are interested in and have recognized how hard school is the second, third, and forth time around. I’ve had to discover new systems to keep our family organized, budgets to keep stylish yet affordable cloths on our backs, and culinary skills to feed 5 unique tastes. It has challenged my sorority girl, would love to be a princess, it’s all about me attitude. But, through it all God has been so good to provide and has been so gracious with me.

With all of that said I want you to know I am thrilled to jump in as the MOPS 1/3 teaching mentor. My hope is to encourage and love on each of you as you maneuver thru these exciting yet exhausting years.

This month Reid and I celebrated 23 years of marriage. Our oldest child is now a JR. in college, our second son just graduated from high school and our daughter is driving and dating. I am still dependant on God for wisdom and direction and God continues to provide and is still so gracious with me. I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone and treasure the memories of watching my children grow up into the men and woman they are today. I have come to the conclusion that being a mom may not be the most glamorous job but it is definitely the most gratifying.