Saturday, January 24, 2015

ICYMI (In case you missed it): Nancy Davies

In case you missed the meeting, here are some highlights from Nancy Davies’ talk about parenting.

Parenting with your spouse:
-Talk away from the kids
-Ask about your spouse’s family history (where they developed their ideas about parenting)
-Make a plan together (you need to back each other up!)
-Remember: you can’t do it right every’s a process!

Kids and Electronics:
-They don’t need them, although it is impossible to completely avoid
-Experts say no screen time until age 5, but limiting screen time is also helpful (suggestion: one 30 min. show per day)
-Kids mimic parents: monitor yourself and your kids

Potty Training:
-Try it. If it’s not working, try again later
-Don’t get stuck on a certain age
-Give yourself grace
-Give your child time

Bed Time:
-Different kids need different amounts of sleep
-Give them choices
-Consistency and routine are key
-Don’t interact with them too much if they wake during the night
-Be matter-of-fact about bedtime. It’s about control!
-Suggestion: put a sleeping bag on the floor beside your bed if older children come in during the night

What to do when you’ve had enough:
-Go somewhere
-Put baby in bed and take a mom time out
-Turn on TV or take a Pinterest break
-Give up on chores and just play with the kids
-Anticipate dad coming home as a “reset button”

-Ignore tantrums
-Respond calmly/matter-of-factly
-Use natural/logical consequences (ex: if child doesn’t want to wear a coat, allow them to feel how cold it is without one)
-Children want control: give them choices and control within reason

Helping kids to be grateful:
-Model gratefulness
-Have cereal for dinner instead of an elaborate meal
-Serve with young children
-Explain that 90+% of the world is worse off than we are

Faith development:
-We all choose to follow Jesus. If you model faithfulness, they likely will join you
-Mom is the biggest influencer of kids’ spiritual development

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